Agroecotourism Development By Business Incubator Approach

(Case :The Program of the Center for Business Incubator of IKOPIN at  The Village of Lebak  Muncang and  Panundaan, Sub-District of  Ciwidey, The District of Bandung, West Java)

Wawan Lulus Setiawan

Indonesia Institute of Cooperative Management


Agroecotourism is  basically an agro- industry which is managed with the principles of sustainable development, not only increasing the economic value, but also giving other  added value such as outdoor recreation (ecotourism), the value of beauty, aesthetics, value of science and education, and other social values, in the sense of moving the community participation and economic institutions (SMEs and cooperatives).The World Bank (2002) emphasize the role of  tourism sector to tackle the problem of poverty then known as the Community-Based Toursim (CBT).Agroecotourism development by business incubator approach is in accordance with the Community Based Development approach. From the business incubator side, this is  an approach to out-wall incubator, where people in a community of tenants  serve as participants. This program was carried out in the vilage of Panundaan and Lebak Muncang, Sub- district of Ciwidey, The district of Bandung, West Jawa. The program could provide benefits to tenants in the form of increased knowledge, experience and skills of agroecotourism, and economic income. Agroecotourism program managed tenants to have  extra effort for those that can to provide added value in the form of increased revenues derived from the development of creative agroecotourism.

Key words: agroecotourism, village, business incubator

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